Yarrow Flower
Yarrow Flower
Yarrow has deep roots in mythology. It is both ancient and modern, grounded and divine. It is transmutable. It is used for divination and love spells. Yarrow can be used as a general aura cleanser and strengthener providing strong energy protection.
Hang in bundles to give thanks for life and spiritual energy. Carried as a sachet or amulet it repels negative influences. Drink in a tea blend for helping the mind focus on a specific issue before meditations. Benficial in oils, ointments, and salves,
Magical Uses:
- Courage
- Love
- Healing
- Scrying
- Divination
- Communication
Latin Name: Achillea Millefolium
Origin: Albania
Warning: Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family (such as feverfew, chamomile, or echinacea species) should exercise caution with yarrow, as allergic cross-reactivity is common to Asteraceae plants. Yarrow is toxic to horses, dogs and cats.