Valerian Root
Valerian Root
Valerian Root is a cleansing herb. It is associated with the planet Jupiter and the element of water. It is also useful in Samhain and Yule celebration rituals. Powerful in spells related to ending guilt and negative self-talk and developing self-acceptance. It is also useful in animal magic, especially cat magic and evoking animal spirits.
Use in sachets made for protection or love. Place in your pillow to help you fall asleep. As a tea, valerian root can be used internally (drinking tea) or externally (bath tea) for a calming/relaxing effect.
Magical Uses:
- Love
- Sleep
- Purification
- Protection
- Banishing
- Dream Work
- Feline Magic
- Cleansing/Consecration
Latin Name: Valeriana wallichii
Origin: India
Valerian Root is also called Setwell, Capon’s Tail, All-heal, Garden Heliotrope, English Valerian, Phu, St George’s Herb, Vandal Root, or Wenderot. (Please note: Valerian Root should be avoided during pregnancy.)